Securing a VPS Server: Practical Steps to Ensure Safety

In 2012, Sophos made an estimation indicating that over 30,000 websites fell victim to hacking daily. Considering the substantial growth of the internet in recent years, it is highly probable that the present-day figures are considerably more alarming.

For those who own a cPanel VPS capable of hosting multiple websites, the bullseye on their server as a potential target is sizable. Fortunately, the specific configuration you've opted for comes equipped with various safeguards designed to shield your virtual server. Today, we'll delve into these protective measures.

What Makes cPanel VPS Hosting a Preferred Choice?

To begin with, let's explore why opting for a cPanel VPS stands out as one of the most advantageous hosting choices available.

Shared hosting, while cost-effective, comes with a host of inherent issues. Sharing system resources with numerous other users introduces uncertainty about performance quality. Furthermore, the potential consequences of sharing an IP address with multiple users, particularly if your "neighbors" engage in spam activities, can be quite severe.

A Virtual Private Server offers markedly enhanced security and more consistent performance. You receive a dedicated allocation of hardware resources exclusively at your disposal, ensuring continuous availability. Since you are the sole user, concerns about your dedicated IP getting blacklisted become a non-issue.

With a VPS, you have complete control over the entire server, providing a high degree of flexibility for customizations – provided you possess the requisite expertise.

WHM & cPanel further simplify server management for clients. These tools furnish you with the necessary resources to establish an optimal hosting environment with minimal technical complexities. The management platform automates numerous administrative tasks, which can be a substantial time-saver, particularly for businesses where time often translates into financial gains.

Notable Applications for VPS Hosting

The secure VPS functions as an independent dedicated server with its distinct operating system, underlying hardware configuration, and a unique IP address. Consequently, it can perform virtually all the tasks typically associated with a dedicated server.

  • Some of its versatile applications include:
  • Serving as a file storage repository.
  • Operating as an offsite backup facility.
  • Providing a testing environment for new applications.
  • Functioning as a mail server.
  • Hosting a game server.
  • Supporting a VoIP server.
  • Enabling a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

In the realm of web hosting, VPS solutions excel in serving websites that demand consistent performance and a high level of security. Such websites encompass online stores, e-learning platforms, and media outlets, to name a few.

Choosing between a managed server and an unmanaged VPS server for enhancing security is a pivotal decision when in search of a dependable VPS server. It all hinges on a straightforward query:

How well-versed are YOU in matters of security and its setup?

If you possess a strong grasp of technology and server administration, the logical choice often leans toward unmanaged solutions, granting you the autonomy to configure your hardware and software for optimal safeguarding.

Nevertheless, in most instances, business owners prefer to concentrate on website development and promotion rather than immersing themselves in technical intricacies. Opting for a managed VPS plan ensures they continually have the support of the hosting provider at their disposal. Whether it's shielding against spam and viruses, implementing advanced DDoS protection, or managing security updates, there are few security aspects your host can't address.

The suitability of either option hinges on your specific needs and competencies.

Enhancing Security for cPanel VPS Hosting: Insights and Techniques

Even though a single physical server can accommodate numerous virtual servers, the virtualization technology underpinning VPS hosting ensures complete isolation.

While it offers a significantly higher level of security compared to shared hosting, striving for additional security measures is essential to meet the demands of a thriving online business.

You'll be pleasantly surprised to discover the extent to which WHM & cPanel can be instrumental in this regard. Here's your starting point.

Configure a Firewall

A firewall serves as one of the primary tools at a sysadmin's disposal for safeguarding a server and regulating network access. Its primary function is to adhere to predefined policies, barring malicious traffic while permitting legitimate data through.

In the context of cPanel VPS platforms, your virtual server operates on Linux and incorporates a firewall utility known as Iptables. Although you can undertake the configuration yourself, the presence of cPanel & WHM offers a more user-friendly approach through their intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI).

A commonly favored choice among Linux server owners is ConfigServer Security & Firewall (CSF). Setting it up requires root user access and a few commands for installation, with subsequent activation and configuration achievable through WHM. Due to its widespread use, you can readily find extensive online resources for correct setup.

CSF has established its worth as a firewall utility, providing invaluable assistance in the event of potential DDoS attacks against your server.

An additional wise step involves the installation of a Web Application Firewall (WAF) to fortify your site against threats such as cross-site scripting attacks and SQL injections.

Numerous WAFs are available in the market, but ModSecurity remains a preferred choice for many. Its popularity is attributed in part to its seamless integration with WHM & cPanel. ModSecurity operates as an Apache module, allowing activation within WHM via a few simple clicks.

In conjunction with these security solutions, it's essential to establish appropriate firewall rules.

For malware and virus protection, Linux VPS servers offer a reduced security risk compared to their Windows counterparts. However, it remains risky to operate a virtual server without a malware scanner that periodically scans for malicious code and infected files.

Among the most favored malware scanners for Linux servers with cPanel are ClamAV and ImunifyAV. Their popularity stems from their relatively straightforward integration with WHM & cPanel. Both can be activated through WHM and offer comparable malware detection capabilities.

Notably, while there are a few graphical user interface options, configuring ClamAV effectively may require some command-line work. ImunifyAV, on the other hand, is more user-friendly but limits its scan initiation to WHM. Additionally, the free version lacks certain essential features.

Email Filters for Spam

It is crucial to minimize the influx of unsolicited emails into your inbox. Without proper protection, your email account's storage can quickly be overwhelmed by spam, potentially causing you to miss vital communications.

In a corporate setting, the significance of spam filters is even more pronounced. Cyber attackers frequently direct phishing campaigns at employees who may inadvertently click on harmful links, leading to potentially catastrophic consequences.

NOTE: WHM & cPanel include Apache's SpamAssassin, a well-established spam filter often pre-installed and enabled by default on Linux VPS systems. If you suspect it isn't functioning correctly, you can easily verify its status within WHM's Service Manager.

Individual cPanel users have an additional means to filter out unwanted emails. They can utilize a tool known as BoxTrapper, which requests additional action from senders of suspicious-looking messages before delivering them to the recipient's inbox. The aim is to thwart spam emails sent by automated scripts.

Robust Passwords

Verizon reports that an estimated 81% of all data breaches are rooted in weak passwords, underscoring the widespread disregard for the significance of secure login credentials.

With sensitive data constantly at risk of exposure, the issue extends beyond just weak passwords. Using the same passwords across multiple platforms is equally perilous, as it allows hackers to exploit a single data breach to compromise multiple accounts.

For years, security experts have advocated the adoption of reputable password management solutions for generating and storing secure login credentials. Numerous free and premium options are available, all assuring the ability to safeguard your accounts with unique, virtually unguessable passwords.

As an additional precautionary measure, you can implement WHM & cPanel's two-factor authentication system. This system mandates the input of a temporary security code, in addition to valid username and password authentication, each time you attempt to log into WHM or cPanel. The rationale behind this is that a hacker who has pilfered your login credentials will be unable to access your server without your mobile device.

Limiting Root Access: By default, you can use any IP address for managing your Linux VPS. While this can be convenient, especially if you're managing your server remotely, it doesn't constitute the most secure setup. Furthermore, you are likely to access the server primarily from a single network with a static IP.

WHM's Host Access Control provides the option to grant or deny individual IPs access to various services, including cPanel, WHM, SSH, FTP, Secure FTP, SMTP, IMAP, POP3, Webmail, and Web Disk. By using the Host Access Control tool, you can obstruct hackers from executing root-level commands. However, it's important to exercise caution to avoid disrupting the activities of legitimate users who require access to the VPS or website backend.

Changing the Default SSH Listening Port: Your server communicates with the SSH service through a default listening port, which is typically set at 22. The issue here is that this port is widely known to hackers and automated bots, making it one of the first places they will probe for vulnerabilities.

To fortify your server against automated attacks and potential breaches through the SSH port, you can execute the following command:

vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Within the configuration file, locate a line that resembles something along the lines of:

#Specifying the ports, IPs, and protocols we monitor port 22

Here, you have the option to modify the SSH port number. Be certain to select unallocated network ports that are not currently allocated for other system functions.

Safeguarding against brute-force attack

Brute-force attacks represent one of the most commonly employed tactics by hackers seeking unauthorized access to a server. Essentially, they utilize tools capable of testing thousands of password combinations in an attempt to decipher the correct one. While particularly effective with shorter passwords, given enough time, they can eventually breach even longer and more complex credentials.

So, what measures can be taken to counteract brute-force attacks?

To begin with, revisiting the section on strong passwords is a critical line of defense that can significantly slow down attackers. Another effective strategy is limiting login attempts, as this can prevent your system from being compromised after a series of unsuccessful tries.

Additionally, considering the installation of intrusion prevention server software like Fail2Ban is a valuable step. This tool scans your log files for indicators of malicious activity, such as an excessive number of login attempts. Upon detection, it proceeds to block all suspicious IP addresses, effectively halting the attack in its tracks.

Keep everything updated

Many contemporary websites are constructed using Content Management Systems (CMS), which are managed by their owners through user-friendly, point-and-click backend interfaces requiring minimal technical expertise.

However, beneath this user-friendly exterior lies an intricate codebase comprising millions of lines. Inevitably, some bugs surface, potentially creating vulnerabilities for malicious actors to exploit.

Developers invest significant time in identifying and rectifying these security flaws by producing patches. Nevertheless, it is your responsibility to promptly install these security patches once they become available.

To bolster your security defenses, it's crucial to consistently update every piece of software and associated plugins on your server. Additionally, exercise caution when it comes to installing unnecessary software, as it can serve as a potential entry point for unauthorized access in the future.

Ensure the security of backups stored offsite.

In the online realm, taking anything for granted is a risky endeavor, and you must be prepared for the worst-case scenarios. While it's common knowledge that maintaining data backups is essential, it's crucial to recognize that this alone may not suffice.

Storing your backups on the same VPS server poses the risk of potential data loss due to hardware failures. Relying on your personal computer as a backup option may not be practical, especially if your website is extensive.

The most reliable approach is to secure your backups on a remote server.

Creating an automatic offsite backup system doesn't necessitate the installation of additional tools or services. You can configure your server's scheduled backups precisely as needed through WHM's Backup Configuration interface, scheduling the system to transmit archived copies of your site to a remote server of your choosing.

SSL certificates play a vital role in safeguarding the integrity of data transmissions. They leverage the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol to encrypt the information flow between your website visitors and the hosting server. Without SSL certificates, data is transmitted in plain text, susceptible to interception and manipulation.

Moreover, an SSL certificate serves to validate the website's identity and ensure the visitor's connection to the correct server.

In the past, acquiring an SSL certificate was often expensive, and the installation process typically required manual intervention from the hosting provider's support team. However, contemporary certificate authorities like Let's Encrypt offer free SSL certificates. The AutoSSL tool in WHM streamlines the deployment of certificates across various projects, automating the process.

Additionally, cPanel includes an SSL manager, facilitating the management of certificates for individual websites.

Monitoring the server

If you notice any irregularities with your Linux VPS, it's crucial to swiftly identify the root of the issue. Even in cases where everything appears to be functioning correctly, it's essential to have easy access to analytics that provide precise insights into your server's performance and potential areas for improvement.

WHM offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to fulfill these requirements. It seamlessly integrates various resources, supplying essential data on resource utilization, uptime, and load averages within defined timeframes. Additionally, you gain visibility into all running services, processes, and their statuses.

This wealth of information empowers you to assess the efficiency of your server usage, formulate growth strategies, and, most importantly, detect potential security vulnerabilities.

Exercise Caution with Public Wi-Fi and the Threat of "Evil Twins": When logging into your hosting server or account on public Wi-Fi networks, it's crucial to exercise extra caution. One of the numerous risks associated with public Wi-Fi networks is the presence of "evil twins."

Evil twins share similarities with typical phishing scams, but instead of hackers establishing fraudulent websites to lure victims, they set up fake Wi-Fi access points. Any information entered by users while connected to this deceptive wireless network is intercepted by the attacker.

Detecting Evil Twin networks can be quite challenging, particularly for inexperienced users. Consequently, it's imperative to exercise vigilance and avoid free networks, public hotspots, and suspiciously named Wi-Fi connections. Additionally, you can enhance your connection's security by using a reputable VPN service.

Sixthstar Hosting and VPS Security: At Sixthstar Hosting, we firmly believe that VPS hosting is central to the future of our industry. Over the past years, we have dedicated ourselves to enhance the reliability, affordability, and security of our virtual private servers.

Our managed VPS plans provide the flexibility to utilize cPanel & WHM, taking advantage of its diverse security features. Alternatively, you can opt for an equally potent, more budget-friendly solution.

SPanel VPS servers also incorporate an innovative security system known as SShield, which actively monitors your server in real-time and employs artificial intelligence to thwart nearly all known attacks. In cases of unusual behavior, it promptly notifies the client.

Since we've developed SPanel and SShield in-house, we can include them in our managed VPS hosting plans at no additional cost, thereby offering some of the most competitively-priced managed virtual servers on the market.

In Conclusion: Security is a paramount consideration when managing a virtual private server, especially in the case of self-managed VPS setups. To ensure your server's protection effectively, you must be aware of the primary threats, enabling you to devise a comprehensive strategy that addresses various scenarios.

While this might appear as a complex endeavor, the reality is that WHM & cPanel offer numerous options to streamline your hosting experience significantly.


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